So i've tried a couple times to upload pictures to my blog, but coincidentally the internet situation in Franz Josef, New Zealand isn't exactly the ultra high speed stuff we're used to at home. No worries though, it's not that important! Yesterday we went hiking on the Franz Josef Glacier and it ended up being alot of fun! I got some really wicked shots of us hiking in the most unimaginable terrain, like seriously the pictures make us look like dwarfs. It was definitely a humbling experience! It's when you truly realize how insignificant you are in the world that you can ultimately comprehend your place in the world, I definitely had that epiphany up there. I also fell! I was trying to get this artsy shot going up the face of the glacier so I was like leaning onto this sloping plane of sheer ice. Then my crampons slipped out from under me and I started sliding down a slope of the glacier... YIKES. So logically what would my next step be? To dig my crampons back in the ice? To abandon everything in my hands in hope of grabbing hold of something to abate my descent? Nope. Grab Martha.. Yup, rather than save myself I went for the camera! Luckily I stopped just short of about a 4 or 5 foot ledge with some nasty jagged looked snow chunks at the bottom of it. After this things got ducking fawkward with me and the guide, he had already asked why I was carrying paracord with me to which I had a somewhat sly reply. So I just shut up for the rest of the trip. After finishing the hike we headed back to our hotel thing and hung out for a bit before heading to the hot springs kinda thing. Yeah the hot springs.. hahaha it's a rough life here in New Zealand.
Saturday June 18th Franz Josef
Today is basically a massive chill day. We're working on our on assignment projects and getting other things ready, and blogging! (gross). It's also raining outside but it's good! I've had lots and lots of thinking time which I like..
In other news I've started advocating for the Summer 2012 Nat Geo trip... My idea is Brazil and Patagonia.. YES.
Sounds like quite the adventure on the glacier. Glad that you and Martha are both okay. Glad you didn't have to actually use the paracord...
ReplyDeleteBreaking news....We have agreed on a price on Kawagama...Erin and Teddy say hi.